Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Accounting Services

Are you teaching Accounting Services? We have been using the same accounting book for over five years. Most accounting books are pretty standard. They teach accounting as a process from journalizing, to posting to closing. Then they teach how to create financial statements from that work. This new site begins in chapter one with the financial statements. It explains how they relate and what kinds of information affects them. Then it goes about teaching the tools used to develop those statements. It teaches accounting from a business manager's perspective rather than a bookkeeper's perspective. Also everything is accessible online, the tutorials, the worksheets, quizzes, glossaries. They can also be printed out. They are in the process of developing video training to accompany the tutorials. And did I mention, it is all free. Take a look at it. I have just made the switch at my center. Teachers, once verifed by the site, can access answer sheets to all the problems. The problems can also be downloaded as Excel files or PDF.