Saturday, September 12, 2009

Catching Up

How to catch up with the technology flow:
1. Create a web page.
2. Create a blog.
3. Download a video from your video or digital camera and edit it.
4. Sign up for Twitter.
5. Sign up for Facebook.
6. Find something interesting on YouTube.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Surviving In the Information Technology Era

If you lived one million years ago, you needed to know how to hunt, gather fruits and berries and start a fire from two sticks. If you couldn't do that you didn't last long.
If you lived 10,000 years ago, you needed to know how to plant and raise crops or you needed to live with someone who did.
If you lived 50 years ago you needed to know how to drive a car and you needed a job skill like carpentry, plumbing or working on an assembly line. If you didn't, you lived on the edge, and relied on hand outs from your family or from social security.
Today, you need to know how to use a computer to type a resume, and how to use the Internet to make an airline reservation. You need to have a Twitter and Facebook account. You need to be able to text your daughter by cell phone and download video from Utube. You need to have a blog and your own personal web page. If you can't do that, you can still survive but you are no more a part of this society than the prehistoric man who couldn't hunt, the neolithic man who couldn't plant, and the industrial man who couldn't drive.


"Technology is like a fish. The longer it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes"...Andrew Heller